How does PrepFE compare with Lindeburg Books?

To give you a better idea of PrepFE, we'll break down some of our offerings versus our competitors below.


Let’s stack up the competition.

Here is some information on some of the top providers in the FE exam prep space.

PrepFESchool of PEPPI2PASS¹NCEES Practice ExamLindeburg Books
Includes July 2020 FE exam changes
Continually Updated
iPhone/iPad app
Hundreds of Problems
Thorough Explanations
Easy and On-Going Customer Support
Money Back GuaranteeFullVery LimitedLimited / Difficult

¹PPI2PASS provides various bundles and packages, some over a thousand dollars. ²Competitor equivalent pricing to PrepFE offerings on most recent check.

Check out our pricing

Money back satisfaction guarantee.

Best Value

Exam prep can be expensive,
so we've made it affordable.

The FE exam preparation market is very expensive. PrepFE offers a streamlined, modern, and affordable product for anyone preparing for the FE exam.


Let us prepare you with
research-driven strategy.

Studies show, again and again, that the best and fastest way to learn is by applying concepts and techniques. Use PrepFE to familiarize with same problems you'll see on the NCEES exam.

Representative of the NCEES exam

The same difficulty, problem types, and concepts.

Constantly updated material

Content gets reviewed and updated regularly.

Learn by practicing problems

The fastest way to prepare is actual application.

Access anywhere including iPhones

Take PrepFE with you wherever you want to study.